woman sitting at a desk

Your expertise combined with our tools and resources: We work better together.

As a leader, you’re in the best position to help employees understand the value of preparing for their retirement income needs through Hoosier START. We’ve produced a comprehensive guide to help you support your employees as they enroll and participate in Hoosier START to prepare for and live in retirement.

Access the guide

Offer your employees access to retirement savings.

Hoosier START is a voluntary retirement program sponsored by the Indiana State Comptroller to allow your employees to supplement their retirement benefits through tax-deferred and Roth payroll contributions.

Hoosier START offers pre-tax 457(b) and Roth 457(b) deferred compensation plans and a 401(a) matching plan.

Access materials to support promotion of Hoosier START

Human Resources Leader Digital Guide

Comprehensive guide with Hoosier START resources for leaders to help support employees

Resource Checklist

Offers retirement planning resources and steps to make planning easier.

Financial Planning

Provides an overview of Hoosier START's no-cost financial planning program available to all participants.

Know your retirement benefits

Provides information on Hoosier START, including what we offer employees and why Hoosier START is an important resource.

Leave time contributions

Explains how to use Hoosier START as a potential way to defer taxes on unused time at retirement.

Auto-enrolled next steps

Provides a checklist of steps for participants to take after auto-enrollment.